9th Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, December 11 - 13, 2002



Risk-Return Efficiency of Financial Institutions. An Exploratory Study of French Banks.


Joël Petey


IEP Strasbourg


The risk management activities of banks may lead to a risk-return trade-off, sign of risk aversion. In this context, the hypothesis of profit maximisation leads to assume risk neutrality of economic agents. Measuring bank efficiency grounding on a cost or profit function might then introduce a bias in performance measurement.

In order to take account of the generalisation of the banker’s preferences, we specify a utility function derived from the Almost Ideal Demand System. The system of share equations is then conditioned by a first order condition on the level of equity, making it endogenous. The model is estimated on a sample of 89 French banks from 1993 to 1996.

Using the variance of the fitted profit as a proxy for risk, we construct a non parametric risk return efficiency frontier considering risk as a unique input in order to produce a unique output : profit. The analysis of the efficiency scores shows the impact of assets and liabilities choices on risk and return by regressing the scores on the share of loans, deposits and equity.