12th Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance

Keynote speakers of 2011

We are pleased to announce as keynote speakers of the 12th Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance:


Academic keynote

 Prof. Milton Harris

"Rating Agencies in the Face of Regulation."


Prof. Milton Harris 
(Chicago Board of Trade Professor of Finance and Economics, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business,
Fellow of the American Finance Association for 2011



The academic keynote is exclusively sponsored by Audi       






Practitioner keynote

 Dr. Thomas Mayer

"Euroland´s hidden balance-of-payment crisis"


Dr. Thomas Mayer
(Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank, Head of Deutsche Bank Research)


Keynote speakers of 2008

Dr. Karl-Georg Altenburg

(CEO Germany/Austria, JP Morgan)

The Financial Crisis - Challenges and Implications

Prof. Michael Brennan, PhD

(UCLA, School of Management)

Tranching and Rating

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter Franke

(University of Konstanz, Department of Economics)

The Future of Securitization

Prof. Dr. Martin Hellwig (Bonn Graduate School of Economics,

Director Max Planck Institute)

Systematic Risk in the Financial Sector:

An Analysis of the Subprime‐Mortgage Financial Crisis

Wolfgang Kirsch


Cooperative Banking:

Managing the Implications of the Recent Market Challenges

Dr. Bernhard Schareck

(President, German Insurance Association (GDV)

Die neuen Leitplanken: Versicherungsvertragsgesetz,

EU‐Vermittler‐Richtlinie und Informationspflichtenverordnung

Practitioners' Forum

Norbert Dick (General Manager Global Insurance Industry, IBM)
Christoph Lammersdorf (Chairman of the Management Board, Börse Stuttgart)
Hans-Christian Lüdemann, PhD (Research, State Street Bank)

Key note speakers of 2005 and their presentations/speeches

Prof. Darrell Duffie (Stanford University) Explaining Corporate Default Risk - What Are We Missing?
Dr. Jürgen Förterer (R+V Versicherung) Kapitalanlage von Lebensversicherungen im Wandel der Zeit
Heinz Hilgert (DZ BANK AG) Transfer of Corporate Credit Risk within the Cooperative Bank Network
Prof. Richard Roll (University of California) Recent Research about Liquidity
Jean-Claude Trichet (ECB President) European financial integration